Implementation process
Explore our guides to configure and integrate Atlar
Atlar's documentation is intended for both technical and non-technical users of the platform. You can find definitions of key concepts and step-by-step instructions for configuring the platform to suit your needs. For technical users, there are several articles to help you get up and running with the Atlar API quickly.
Below is a quick overview to help you get started with the implementation. If you have any questions or need additional help, get in touch with your Atlar point-of-contact or drop us a message here.
1. Contact
If you have not already initiated the implementation together with Atlar and are interested in our product(s), please reach out to [email protected] where you can schedule a demo or inquire about our products and services. We’d be happy to support you from here!
Duration: one day
2. Kick off
To initiate the implementation process we will invite you to a kick off call to align on the scope, requirements and expectations. Usually this also involves setting up your production organization: the environment to which Atlar connects your third party connections, such as PSPs, banks, and ERPs to consolidate data and payment flows.
Duration: a few days
3. Third-party onboarding
Using Atlar requires subscribing to a direct connectivity solution with your third parties. This usually takes the form of an SFTP server, EBICS server, or APIs. Atlar can provide pre-filled templates to facilitate the process and will manage the communication, planning and project together with the third parties once the initial contact is established.
Duration: 1-3 weeks, depending on the third parties
4. Configuration
Atlar will manage the configurations needed to establish the connection with the third parties, whether that is with the banks, PSPs, spend management or other parties. For example, with the banks this includes exchanging secrets needed to communicate via the connection.
Duration: a few days
5. Implementation
The implementation is completely managed by Atlar and involves building and testing the connection to the third parties. If you are integrating your ERP system, we will also assist with installing and configuring such in this phase.
Duration: 2-5 weeks, depending on the third parties
6. Production
Once Atlar has integrated with the third parties and has access to your bank's direct connectivity solution, we can initiate production testing. We will also customize your dashboard and further confirm that the products and connections are working as intended.
- Customization: configure roles, entities and accounts, and approval chains (payments) as well as ensuring the setup meets your company's security requirements by enabling MFA and/or SSO
- Cash Management: receive data for your accounts with the third parties
- Cash Flow Forecasting: customizing the data and ensure your needs are supported going forward for cash flow forecasting
- Payments: initiate small value penny test to make sure that everything is up and running properly
- ERP integration: ensuring bank statements are delivered as expected to your ERP environment and testing a few payments from your ERP
Part of this phase is to ensure the scope is fully implemented, tested, and operational in production. Once everything is up and running, we’ll discuss how to best support you and the team to ramp up and go live.
Duration: 1 week
7. Delivery done / Ramp up
Together we assist you with ramping up the usage of the product(s) such as scaling to invite your full team, and if requested, facilitating a demo for the wider team.
Duration: normally 2-3 weeks depending on your needs
8. Live / Business As Usual
Once you feel comfortable with the usage of the product(s) and customization of the platform, we can together sign off on the project and continue supporting your needs during the Live / BAU phase.
Updated 29 days ago