Regulatory Reporting
Regulatory reporting is an optional field that can be set when creating a credit transfer,
providing additional information as needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements.
- Market is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the entity requiring the details.
- Indicator indentifies wether the regulatory reporting information applies to the debit/credit side or both.
- Code specifies the nature, purpose and reason for the transaction.
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
IN | CREDITOR | P0001 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in equity capital (shares) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0002 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in debt securities |
IN | CREDITOR | P0003 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in branches |
IN | CREDITOR | P0004 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in subsidiaries and associates |
IN | CREDITOR | P0005 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Indian investment abroad in real estate |
IN | CREDITOR | P0006 | Capital Account | Foreign direct investment in India in equity |
IN | CREDITOR | P0007 | Capital Account | Foreign direct investment in India in debt securities |
IN | CREDITOR | P0008 | Capital Account | Foreign direct investment in India in real estate |
IN | CREDITOR | P0009 | Capital Account | Foreign portfolio investment in India in equity shares |
IN | CREDITOR | P0010 | Capital Account | Foreign portfolio investment in India in debt securities including debt funds |
IN | CREDITOR | P0011 | Capital Account | Repayment of loans extended to non-residents |
IN | CREDITOR | P0012 | Capital Account | Loans from non-residents to India |
IN | CREDITOR | P0014 | Capital Account | Receipts on or about Non-Resident deposits (FCNRB/NRERA etc.) should be reported even if funds are not "swapped" into Rupees |
IN | CREDITOR | P0015 | Capital Account | Loans & overdrafts taken by Authorised dealers on their own account |
IN | CREDITOR | P0016 | Capital Account | Purchase of a foreign currency against another currency |
IN | CREDITOR | P0017 | Capital Account | Sale of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks etc. by Indian companies |
IN | CREDITOR | P0018 | Capital Account | Other capital receipts not included elsewhere |
IN | CREDITOR | P0101 | Exports (of Goods) | Value of export bills negotiated / purchased / discounted (covered under GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bills) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0102 | Exports (of Goods) | Realisation of export bills sent on collection (full invoice value) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0103 | Exports (of Goods) | Advance receipts against export contracts (export of goods only) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0104 | Exports (of Goods) | Receipts against export of goods not covered by GR/PP/SOFTEX/EC copy of shipping bill |
IN | CREDITOR | P0105 | Exports (of Goods) | Export bills sent on collection |
IN | CREDITOR | P0106 | Exports (of Goods) | Conversion of overdue export bills from NPD to collection mode |
IN | CREDITOR | P0107 | Exports (of Goods) | Realisation of NPD export bills (full value of bill to be reported) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0201 | Transportation | Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian shipping companies operating abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | P0202 | Transportation | Purchases on account of operating expenses of foreign shipping companies in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P0205 | Transportation | Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) - shipping companies |
IN | CREDITOR | P0207 | Transportation | Receipts of surplus freight/passenger fare by Indian airlines operating abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | P0208 | Transportation | Receipt on account of operating expenses of foreign airlines in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P0211 | Transportation | Purchases on account of operational leasing (with crew) - airlines |
IN | CREDITOR | P0213 | Transportation | Receipts for other transportation services (stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0301 | Travel | Purchases towards travel (includes foreign travellers cheques, currency notes, etc.) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0308 | Travel | FC surrendered by returning Indian tourists |
IN | CREDITOR | P0401 | Communication Service | Postal services |
IN | CREDITOR | P0402 | Communication Service | Courier services |
IN | CREDITOR | P0403 | Communication Service | Telecommunication services |
IN | CREDITOR | P0404 | Communication Service | Satellite services |
IN | CREDITOR | P0501 | Construction Service | Receipts for construction services projects in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P0601 | Insurance Service | Receipts of life insurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | P0602 | Insurance Service | Receipts of freight insurance (import/export) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0603 | Insurance Service | Receipts of general insurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | P0604 | Insurance Service | Receipts of reinsurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | P0605 | Insurance Service | Auxiliary services (commission on insurance) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0606 | Insurance Service | Receipts for settlement of claims |
IN | CREDITOR | P0701 | Financial Services | Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | P0702 | Financial Services | Investment banking - brokerage, underwriting commission |
IN | CREDITOR | P0703 | Financial Services | Auxiliary services - custodial services, depository services, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | P0801 | Computer & Information Services | Hardware consultancy |
IN | CREDITOR | P0802 | Computer & Information Services | Software implementation (not covered in SOFTEX) |
IN | CREDITOR | P0803 | Computer & Information Services | Data processing charges |
IN | CREDITOR | P0804 | Computer & Information Services | Repair and maintenance of computer/software |
IN | CREDITOR | P0805 | Computer & Information Services | News agency services |
IN | CREDITOR | P0806 | Computer & Information Services | Information services - subscriptions to newspapers, periodicals |
IN | CREDITOR | P0901 | Royalties & License Fees | Franchises services - patents, copyrights, trademarks |
IN | CREDITOR | P0902 | Royalties & License Fees | Receipts for licensing of produced originals (e.g., manuscripts, films) |
IN | CREDITOR | P1001 | Other Business Services | Merchanting services - net receipts from sale and purchase of goods without crossing the border |
IN | CREDITOR | P1002 | Other Business Services | Trade-related services - commission on exports/imports |
IN | CREDITOR | P1003 | Other Business Services | Operational leasing services without operating crew, including charter hire |
IN | CREDITOR | P1004 | Other Business Services | Legal services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1005 | Other Business Services | Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and tax consulting services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1006 | Other Business Services | Business and management consultancy and public relations services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1007 | Other Business Services | Advertising, trade fair, market research, and public opinion polling services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1008 | Other Business Services | Research & development services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1009 | Other Business Services | Architectural, engineering, and other technical services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1010 | Other Business Services | Agricultural, mining, and onsite processing services - protection against insects, disease, and analysis of ores |
IN | CREDITOR | P1011 | Other Business Services | Inward remittance for maintenance of offices in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P1012 | Other Business Services | Distribution services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1013 | Other Business Services | Environmental services |
IN | CREDITOR | P1019 | Other Business Services | Other services not included elsewhere |
IN | CREDITOR | P1101 | Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services | Audio-visual and related services - production of motion pictures, fees for distribution rights |
IN | CREDITOR | P1102 | Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services | Personal, cultural services - museums, libraries, and correspondence courses of Indian Universities |
IN | CREDITOR | P1201 | Government (not included elsewhere) | Maintenance of foreign embassies in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P1203 | Government (not included elsewhere) | Maintenance of international institutions like IMF, World Bank, UNICEF, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | P1301 | Transfers | Inward remittance from Indian non-residents for family maintenance and savings |
IN | CREDITOR | P1302 | Transfers | Personal gifts and donations |
IN | CREDITOR | P1303 | Transfers | Donations to religious and charitable institutions in India |
IN | CREDITOR | P1304 | Transfers | Grants and donations to governments and charitable institutions |
IN | CREDITOR | P1306 | Transfers | Receipts/refund of taxes |
IN | CREDITOR | P1401 | Income | Compensation of employees |
IN | CREDITOR | P1403 | Income | Inward remittance towards interest on loans extended to non-residents |
IN | CREDITOR | P1404 | Income | Inward remittance of interest on debt securities - debentures, bonds, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | P1405 | Income | Inward remittance towards interest receipts of Authorised dealers on investments |
IN | CREDITOR | P1406 | Income | Repatriation of profits to India |
IN | CREDITOR | P1407 | Income | Receipt of dividends by Indians |
IN | CREDITOR | P1501 | Others | Refunds / rebates on account of imports |
IN | CREDITOR | P1502 | Others | Reversal of wrong entries, refunds for non-imports |
IN | CREDITOR | P1503 | Others | Remittances by residents under international bidding |
IN | CREDITOR | P1590 | Others | Receipts below $10,000 (Rs 5,00,000) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0001 | Capital Account | Indian investment abroad in equity capital (shares) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0002 | Capital Account | Indian investment abroad in debt securities |
IN | CREDITOR | S0003 | Capital Account | Indian investment abroad in branches |
IN | CREDITOR | S0004 | Capital Account | Indian investment abroad in subsidiaries and associates |
IN | CREDITOR | S0005 | Capital Account | Indian investment abroad in real estate |
IN | CREDITOR | S0006 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investments in India - in equity shares |
IN | CREDITOR | S0007 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investment in India - in debt securities |
IN | CREDITOR | S0008 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Foreign Direct Investment in India - in real estate |
IN | CREDITOR | S0009 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Foreign Portfolio Investment in India - in equity shares |
IN | CREDITOR | S0010 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Foreign Portfolio Investment in India - in debt securities |
IN | CREDITOR | S0011 | Capital Account | Loans extended to Non-Residents |
IN | CREDITOR | S0012 | Capital Account | Repayment of loans received from Non-Residents (Long & medium term loans) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0013 | Capital Account | Repayment of short-term loans received from Non-Residents |
IN | CREDITOR | S0014 | Capital Account | Repatriation of Non-Resident Deposits (FCNRB/NRERA etc.) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0015 | Capital Account | Repayment of loans & overdrafts taken by ADs on their own account |
IN | CREDITOR | S0016 | Capital Account | Sale of a foreign currency against another foreign currency |
IN | CREDITOR | S0017 | Capital Account | Purchase of intangible assets like patents, copyrights, trademarks etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S0018 | Capital Account | Other capital payments not included elsewhere |
IN | CREDITOR | S0101 | Imports | Advance payment against imports |
IN | CREDITOR | S0102 | Imports | Payment towards imports - settlement of invoice |
IN | CREDITOR | S0103 | Imports | Imports by diplomatic missions |
IN | CREDITOR | S0104 | Imports | Intermediary trade |
IN | CREDITOR | S0190 | Imports | Imports below Rs. 500,000 (for use by ECD offices) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0201 | Transportation | Payments for surplus freight/passenger fare by foreign shipping companies operating in India |
IN | CREDITOR | S0202 | Transportation | Payment for operating expenses of Indian shipping companies operating abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S0203 | Transportation | Freight on imports - Shipping companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0204 | Transportation | Freight on exports - Shipping companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0205 | Transportation | Operational leasing (with crew) - Shipping companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0206 | Transportation | Booking of passages abroad - Shipping companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0207 | Transportation | Payments for surplus freight/passenger fare by foreign Airlines companies operating in India |
IN | CREDITOR | S0208 | Transportation | Operating expenses of Indian Airlines companies operating abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S0209 | Transportation | Freight on imports - Airlines companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0210 | Transportation | Freight on exports - Airlines companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0211 | Transportation | Operational leasing (with crew) - Airlines companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0212 | Transportation | Booking of passages abroad - Airlines companies |
IN | CREDITOR | S0213 | Transportation | Payments on account of stevedoring, demurrage, port handling charges |
IN | CREDITOR | S0301 | Travel | Remittance towards business travel |
IN | CREDITOR | S0302 | Travel | Travel under basic travel quota (BTQ) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0303 | Travel | Travel for pilgrimage |
IN | CREDITOR | S0304 | Travel | Travel for medical treatment |
IN | CREDITOR | S0305 | Travel | Travel for education (including fees, hostel expenses, etc.) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0306 | Travel | Other travel (international credit cards) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0401 | Communication Services | Postal services |
IN | CREDITOR | S0402 | Communication Services | Courier services |
IN | CREDITOR | S0403 | Communication Services | Telecommunication services |
IN | CREDITOR | S0404 | Communication Services | Satellite services |
IN | CREDITOR | S0501 | Construction Services | Construction of projects abroad by Indian companies including import of goods at project site |
IN | CREDITOR | S0502 | Construction Services | Payments for cost of construction by foreign companies in India |
IN | CREDITOR | S0601 | Insurance Services | Payments for Life insurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | S0602 | Insurance Services | Freight insurance - relating to import & export of goods |
IN | CREDITOR | S0603 | Insurance Services | Other general insurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | S0604 | Insurance Services | Reinsurance premium |
IN | CREDITOR | S0605 | Insurance Services | Auxiliary services (commission on insurance) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0606 | Insurance Services | Settlement of claims |
IN | CREDITOR | S0701 | Financial Services | Bank charges, collection charges, LC charges, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S0702 | Financial Services | Investment banking - brokerage, underwriting commission, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S0703 | Financial Services | Auxiliary services - custodial services, depository services, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S0801 | Computer & Information Services | Hardware consultancy |
IN | CREDITOR | S0802 | Computer & Information Services | Software implementation (other than those covered in SOFTEX form) |
IN | CREDITOR | S0803 | Computer & Information Services | Data base, data processing charges |
IN | CREDITOR | S0804 | Computer & Information Services | Repair and maintenance of computer and software |
IN | CREDITOR | S0805 | Computer & Information Services | News agency services |
IN | CREDITOR | S0806 | Computer & Information Services | Other information services - Subscription to newspapers, periodicals |
IN | CREDITOR | S0901 | Royalties & License Fees | Franchises services - patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial processes, franchises, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S0902 | Royalties & License Fees | Payment for use through licensing arrangements of produced originals or prototypes (e.g., manuscripts, films) |
IN | CREDITOR | S1001 | Other Business Services | Merchanting services - net payments from sale & purchase of goods without crossing the border |
IN | CREDITOR | S1002 | Other Business Services | Trade related services - commission on exports/imports |
IN | CREDITOR | S1003 | Other Business Services | Operational leasing services (other than financial leasing) without operating crew, including charter hire |
IN | CREDITOR | S1004 | Other Business Services | Legal services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1005 | Other Business Services | Accounting, auditing, book keeping and tax consulting services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1006 | Other Business Services | Business and management consultancy and public relations services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1007 | Other Business Services | Advertising, trade fair, market research and public opinion polling services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1008 | Other Business Services | Research & Development services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1009 | Other Business Services | Architectural, engineering and other technical services |
IN | CREDITOR | S1010 | Other Business Services | Agricultural, mining and on-site processing services - protection against insects & disease, increasing of harvest yields, forestry services, mining services like analysis of ores, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S1011 | Other Business Services | Payments for maintenance of offices abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S1012 | Other Business Services | Other services not included elsewhere |
IN | CREDITOR | S1101 | Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services | Audio-visual and related services - production of motion pictures, rentals, fees received by actors, directors, producers, and fees for distribution rights |
IN | CREDITOR | S1102 | Personal, Cultural & Recreational Services | Personal, cultural services - related to museums, libraries, archives, sporting activities, and fees for correspondence courses abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S1201 | Government (not included elsewhere) | Maintenance of Indian embassies abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S1202 | Government (not included elsewhere) | Remittances by foreign embassies in India |
IN | CREDITOR | S1301 | Transfers | Remittance by non-residents towards family maintenance and savings |
IN | CREDITOR | S1302 | Transfers | Remittance towards personal gifts and donations |
IN | CREDITOR | S1303 | Transfers | Remittance towards donations to religious and charitable institutions abroad |
IN | CREDITOR | S1304 | Transfers | Remittance towards grants and donations to other governments and charitable institutions |
IN | CREDITOR | S1305 | Transfers | Contributions/donations by the Government to international institutions |
IN | CREDITOR | S1306 | Transfers | Remittance towards payment/refund of taxes |
IN | CREDITOR | S1401 | Income | Compensation of employees |
IN | CREDITOR | S1402 | Income | Remittance towards interest on Non-Resident deposits (FCNRB/NRERA/NRNRD/NRSR, etc.) |
IN | CREDITOR | S1403 | Income | Remittance towards interest on loans from Non-Residents (ST/MT/LT loans) |
IN | CREDITOR | S1404 | Income | Remittance of interest on debt securities - debentures/bonds/FRNs, etc. |
IN | CREDITOR | S1405 | Income | Remittance towards interest payment by Authorised Dealers on their own account (to vostro account holders or overdraft on nostro accounts) |
IN | CREDITOR | S1406 | Income | Repatriation of profits |
IN | CREDITOR | S1407 | Income | Payment/repatriation of dividends |
IN | CREDITOR | S1501 | Other | Refunds/rebates/reduction in invoice value on account of exports |
IN | CREDITOR | S1502 | Other | Reversal of wrong entries, refunds for non-exports |
IN | CREDITOR | S1503 | Other | Payments by residents for international bidding |
IN | CREDITOR | S1590 | Other | Outward remittances below Rs 500,000 (for use by ECD regional offices) |
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
ID | CREDITOR | 1011 | Export | Export related transactions from Indonesia |
ID | CREDITOR | 2012 | Import | Import related transactions to Indonesia |
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
IL | CREDITOR | 300 | Payment for importation of goods including books magazines and import in transit (Import of software is exempt from withholding tax up to $2500) | Import/export |
IL | CREDITOR | 301 | Advance payment for importation of goods | Import/export |
IL | CREDITOR | 305 | Payment for importation of diamonds including payment of suppliers' credit | Import/export |
IL | CREDITOR | 307 | Advance payment for importation of diamonds | Import/export |
IL | CREDITOR | 310 | Selling foreign currency in cash and in checks to residents of Israel for purpose of travel in exchange of Israeli currency or debiting the resident's account | Travel/transportation |
IL | CREDITOR | 312 | Transfers to an account of a resident of Israel abroad (by corporations only) | Transfers |
IL | CREDITOR | 313 | Transfers to an account of a resident of Israel abroad (by individuals only) | Transfers |
IL | CREDITOR | 323 | Transfers abroad from an Israeli shipping firm or from an Israeli airline | Transfers |
IL | CREDITOR | 327 | Transfer of insurance payments abroad through an Israeli insurance company | Insurance |
IL | CREDITOR | 328 | Transfer of foreign currency abroad by an Israeli resident for the purpose of purchasing insurance services including those of social benefits | Insurance |
IL | CREDITOR | 346 | Payments for purchasing recognized securities by companies | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 370 | Transfer of foreign currency to a foreign resident deriving from selling of stocks and other securities which are traded in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 382 | Transfer of foreign currency from a resident of Israel into another account of a resident of Israel | Transfers |
IL | CREDITOR | 302 | Supplier credit repayment | Payments |
IL | CREDITOR | 311 | Withdrawal of cash or travelers checks from moneychangers | Cash/withdrawal |
IL | CREDITOR | 317 | Transfers abroad for tourist services | Travel/transportation |
IL | CREDITOR | 318 | Transfer of foreign currency abroad for using credit cards | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 320 | Payment to foreign shipping firm or to a foreign airline | Travel/transportation |
IL | CREDITOR | 330 | Payment of leases' fees and payments for equipment hiring | Services |
IL | CREDITOR | 331 | Payment to a foreign contractual firm and salary to a foreign resident | Services |
IL | CREDITOR | 332 | Crediting banks in the Palestinian autonomy subsequent to clearance activities or for any other credits | Banking |
IL | CREDITOR | 333 | Crediting foreign banks subsequent to clearance activities or any for any other credits | Banking |
IL | CREDITOR | 337 | Activities with small sums of money (foreign resident only) | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 338 | Transfers for branch maintenance representations and offices abroad including salary and expenses for the employee abroad | Services |
IL | CREDITOR | 339 | Payments abroad for commissions consultation knowledge patents royalties and other marketing and services expenses | Services |
IL | CREDITOR | 340 | Payments for purchasing authorized securities (and they are not foreign securities) that are traded abroad by individuals | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 341 | Payments for foreign authorized securities by individuals | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 342 | Investments abroad by the broker in unauthorized foreign securities | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 343 | Debiting of a client due to a deal concerning the usage of financial instruments including future transactions and gold for investment (except for forward) | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 344 | Transfer to a direct investment abroad including loans given by a resident of Israel to a foreign resident | Investments |
IL | CREDITOR | 347 | Payments for purchasing authorized securities by companies | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 348 | Investments in real estate abroad by residents of Israel | Real estate |
IL | CREDITOR | 350 | Reimbursement of a loan (capital) taken by a resident of Israel from an authorized dealer | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 352 | Payment of interest and commission to an authorized dealer by a resident of Israel | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 353 | Reimbursement of loan (capital) taken by a resident of Israel from a foreign resident including from branches of Israeli banks abroad | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 354 | Payment of interest on a loan taken by a resident of Israel from a foreign resident | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 355 | Payment of a loan given by a resident of Israel to a foreign resident | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 358 | Depositing in Shekels account a loan taken by a foreign resident from an authorized dealer | Loans |
IL | CREDITOR | 359 | Realization of a guarantee by a resident of Israel for the undertakings of a foreign resident | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 360 | Transfer of legacies gifts supports alimonies and other unilateral transfers abroad | Personal |
IL | CREDITOR | 363 | Transfer abroad of a new immigrant | Personal |
IL | CREDITOR | 371 | Transfer to a foreign resident by the broker | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 372 | Transfer of income in foreign currency to a foreign resident which is derived from interests rents and dividends from Israeli securities and real estate | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 373 | Transfer of foreign currency to a foreign resident from realizing his investments in a company and/or in securities which are not traded in the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | Securities |
IL | CREDITOR | 375 | Transfer of foreign currency to a foreign resident deriving from the sale of his real estate in Israel | Real estate |
IL | CREDITOR | 377 | Transfers between an exempted person and a broker | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 378 | Repeated exchange by a tourist who has exchanged foreign currency during his present stay in Israel for his current expenses (not including exchanges from currency to currency that was symbolized by 387) | Travel/transportation |
IL | CREDITOR | 380 | Selling foreign currency against Shekels to be deposited in an account of a resident of Israel (counter symbol to 480) | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 381 | Exchange of foreign currency into Israeli currency from an account of a resident of Israel (counter symbol to 481) | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 384 | Payment of interest and commissions by an authorized dealer to a resident of Israel and to another authorized dealer | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 385 | Payment of interest and commissions by an authorized dealer abroad | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 386 | Selling of foreign currency to the government and to other authorized dealers | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 387 | Selling of foreign currency to a foreign resident in exchange of another foreign currency | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 388 | Differences subsequent to deals that are linked to foreign currency with instruments that are derived by a foreign resident | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 389 | Transfer against time deposits (saving accounts) | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 390 | Payments of interest commissions and other transactions in foreign currency by an authorized dealer or by a resident of Israel to the government | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 392 | Other payments | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 393 | Transfer of foreign currency abroad by an authorized trading bank for its own use in realizing forward transactions | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 394 | Transfer of foreign currency abroad by an authorized trading bank for its own use concerning future transactions | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 395 | Transfer of foreign currency abroad by the National Institutions: the Jewish Agency, the Jewish National Fund, the Foundation Fund, and the Zionist Federation | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 396 | Transfer of foreign currency for clients in realizing forward transactions | Financial services |
IL | CREDITOR | 399 | Payments in foreign currency that were conducted during the month in which the report refers to but they will be symbolized and reported in the ensuing month (including symbols' exceptions) | Financial services |
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
NO | DEBTOR | 14 | Purchase/sale of goods | Goods |
NO | DEBTOR | 26 | Leasing | Services |
NO | DEBTOR | 29 | Other purchase/sale of services | Services |
NO | DEBTOR | 31 | Interest | Interest, dividends, other capital |
NO | DEBTOR | 35 | Dividends | Interest, dividends, other capital |
NO | DEBTOR | 38 | Other returns on capital | Interest, dividends, other capital |
NO | DEBTOR | 41 | Purchase/sale of real estate and capital rights abroad | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 43 | Direct investments in equities | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 45 | Direct investment in other capital | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 51 | Portfolio investment in stocks and mutual fund shares | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 52 | Portfolio investments in bonds and short-term paper | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 53 | Portfolio investments in derivatives | Capital transactions |
NO | DEBTOR | 71 | Life insurance/pension | Insurance |
NO | DEBTOR | 79 | Other financial investments | Financial investments |
NO | DEBTOR | 81 | Salary | Other transfers |
NO | DEBTOR | 82 | Inheritance, gifts etc. | Other transfers |
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
SE | DEBTOR | 101 | Export/import of goods | Goods (Invoices only) |
SE | DEBTOR | 122 | Goods which do not traverse the Swedish border, purchased abroad intended for resale | Goods (Invoices only) |
SE | DEBTOR | 473 | Commissions related to the intermediation of goods | Goods (Invoices only) |
SE | DEBTOR | 701 | Financial leasing (change of ownership of the goods implied) | Leasing - Capital Goods |
SE | DEBTOR | 401 | Operational leasing (no change of ownership implied) | Leasing - Capital Goods |
SE | DEBTOR | 130 | Freight of goods imported to Sweden | Freight - Import and Export of Goods |
SE | DEBTOR | 131 | Freight of goods exported from Sweden | Freight - Import and Export of Goods |
SE | DEBTOR | 140 | Sea transport | Freight - Goods which have not traversed the Swedish border |
SE | DEBTOR | 141 | Air transport | Freight - Goods which have not traversed the Swedish border |
SE | DEBTOR | 142 | Rail transport | Freight - Goods which have not traversed the Swedish border |
SE | DEBTOR | 143 | Road transport | Freight - Goods which have not traversed the Swedish border |
SE | DEBTOR | 150 | Other transport (pipeline, internal waterway, etc.) | Freight - Goods which have not traversed the Swedish border |
SE | DEBTOR | 160 | Ships | Charter/Leasing - Transportation with crew for freight |
SE | DEBTOR | 161 | Aircraft | Charter/Leasing - Transportation with crew for freight |
SE | DEBTOR | 162 | Land vehicles | Charter/Leasing - Transportation with crew for freight |
SE | DEBTOR | 163 | Bunkering and provisioning | Goods and Services Related to Freight |
SE | DEBTOR | 173 | Storage, forwarding and transit costs, port and terminal costs, etc. | Goods and Services Related to Freight |
SE | DEBTOR | 200 | Sea travel | Personal Transportation and Travel |
SE | DEBTOR | 201 | Air travel | Personal Transportation and Travel |
SE | DEBTOR | 202 | Train and bus travel | Personal Transportation and Travel |
SE | DEBTOR | 221 | Credit card payments | Personal Transportation and Travel |
SE | DEBTOR | 223 | Other travel (expenditure for hotels, educational courses, conferences, etc.) | Personal Transportation and Travel |
SE | DEBTOR | 300 | Freight insurance for exports/imports of goods | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 301 | Other freight insurance | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 302 | Life insurance and pension fund services | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 303 | Other direct insurance (casualty or accident, health, general liability, fire, marine, aviation) | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 310 | Reinsurance | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 321 | Services related to insurance transactions (intermediation, consultation, valuation, etc.) | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 331 | Other financial intermediary and auxiliary services, e.g. intermediation, asset management and custody services by banks, brokers, etc. | Insurance and Other Financial Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 402 | Postal and courier services | Postal and Telecommunication Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 403 | Telecommunication, transmission via Internet and satellite including radio and television broadcasting | Postal and Telecommunication Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 410 | Computer services (hardware and software consultancy and implementation, data processing, etc.) | Computer and Information Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 411 | Information services (database services, provision of news, subscriptions, etc.) | Computer and Information Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 412 | Construction and installation services performed outside of Sweden | Construction and Installation Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 413 | Construction and installation services performed in Sweden | Construction and Installation Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 423 | Licensing/royalties from proprietary assets (patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchises, etc.) | Licensing and Royalties |
SE | DEBTOR | 470 | Salaries, wages, etc., from employer directly to employees | Compensation of Employees |
SE | DEBTOR | 430 | Legal services | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 431 | Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, and other administrative services | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 440 | Advertising, market research, and public opinion polling | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 441 | Research and development services (R&D) | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 442 | Architectural, engineering, and other technical services | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 450 | Services related to agriculture and forestry | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 451 | Services for mining, oil, and gas exploitation | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 452 | Environmental services (waste treatment and recycling services, etc.) | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 460 | Production of film and sound recordings, radio, television productions, etc. | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 461 | Other cultural and recreational services | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 462 | Other services | Other Services |
SE | DEBTOR | 510 | Development aid and economic assistance to developing countries | Financial Transfers - Development Aid and Economic Assistance |
SE | DEBTOR | 520 | Development aid and economic assistance to the European Union (EU) | Financial Transfers - Development Aid and Economic Assistance |
SE | DEBTOR | 540 | Development aid and economic assistance to other international organizations | Financial Transfers - Development Aid and Economic Assistance |
SE | DEBTOR | 550 | Remittance of income earned from work outside the country of residence | Other Financial Transfers |
SE | DEBTOR | 551 | Emigration/immigration | Other Financial Transfers |
SE | DEBTOR | 552 | Value-added tax (VAT) transfers | Other Financial Transfers |
SE | DEBTOR | 553 | Inheritance | Other Financial Transfers |
SE | DEBTOR | 560 | Other transfers (damages, alimony, membership fees, gifts, pension, etc.) | Other Financial Transfers |
SE | DEBTOR | 600 | Shares in, and shareholders' contribution to Swedish businesses | Capital Transactions - Direct Investment in Sweden (foreign owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 601 | Intra-group lending to/from the foreign owner | Capital Transactions - Direct Investment in Sweden (foreign owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 602 | Shares in, and shareholders’ contributions to businesses abroad | Capital Transactions - Direct Investment in Sweden (Swedish owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 603 | Intra-group lending to/from a parent/subsidiary company abroad | Capital Transactions - Direct Investment in Sweden (Swedish owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 620 | Purchase and sale of shares, holding <10% | Shares - Portfolio Investment <10% |
SE | DEBTOR | 622 | Purchase and sale of shares, holding <10% | Foreign Shares |
SE | DEBTOR | 670 | Option premiums and margin payments for financial derivatives | Financial Derivatives |
SE | DEBTOR | 681 | Loans from abroad/amortization of loans from abroad | Other Loans - External |
SE | DEBTOR | 683 | Loans to abroad/amortization of loans to abroad | Other Loans - External |
SE | DEBTOR | 710 | Purchase and sale of residential property in Sweden | Purchase and Sale of Residential Property |
SE | DEBTOR | 712 | Purchase and sale of residential property abroad | Purchase and Sale of Residential Property |
SE | DEBTOR | 723 | Patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial processes, franchises, etc. | Acquisition and Disposal of Proprietary Rights |
SE | DEBTOR | 751 | Transfer to/from the owner’s own accounts | Deposits and Transaction Accounts |
SE | DEBTOR | 793 | Other capital transactions | Other Capital Transactions |
SE | DEBTOR | 801 | Interest from intra-group loans (direct investment in Sweden) | Interest - Intra-group Lending (foreign owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 803 | Interest from intra-group loans (direct investment abroad) | Interest - Intra-group Lending (Swedish owner) |
SE | DEBTOR | 831 | Interest on securities from Swedish issuers | Interest-bearing Securities |
SE | DEBTOR | 833 | Income on interest from securities issued abroad | Interest-bearing Securities |
SE | DEBTOR | 881 | Interest costs on loans from abroad, outbound only | Other Lending |
SE | DEBTOR | 883 | Income on interest from loans to abroad, inbound only | Other Lending |
SE | DEBTOR | 893 | Other interest | Other |
SE | DEBTOR | 900 | Dividends on direct investment in Sweden =>10% | Dividends - Holdings >=10% |
SE | DEBTOR | 902 | Dividends on direct investment abroad =>10% | Dividends - Holdings >=10% |
SE | DEBTOR | 910 | Dividends on Swedish portfolio shares (excluding direct investment) | Dividends - Holdings <10% |
SE | DEBTOR | 912 | Dividends on foreign portfolio shares (excluding direct investment) | Dividends - Holdings <10% |
SE | DEBTOR | 940 | Transfer to abroad for currency exchange and the consequent retransfer | Currency Exchange |
SE | DEBTOR | 941 | Netting - payment of net amount after netting | Currency Exchange and Netting |
SE | DEBTOR | 999 | Other payments (if there is uncertainty about the payment) | Other |
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
TH | CREDITOR | 318004 | Freight charges | Fees / charges / expenses relating to freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318005 | Goods insurance and reinsurance premiums for goods | Fees / charges / expenses relating to freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318006 | Goods insurance claims | Fees / charges / expenses relating to freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318007 | Other service charges relating to international freight | Fees / charges / expenses relating to freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318009 | Fares | Fees/charges relating to other transportation apart from freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318010 | Other service charges for international transportation and other transportation fees | Fees/charges relating to other transportation apart from freight |
TH | CREDITOR | 318012 | Traveling expenses - Tourists | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318013 | Traveling expenses - Students | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318014 | Overseas traveling expenses - Others | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318015 | Medical expenses | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318016 | Remaining travelling expenses sold/repurchased by travelers | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318017 | Expenses from the use of debit/credit cards | Traveling expenses |
TH | CREDITOR | 318018 | Service fees of government entities | Transactions of non-banks |
TH | CREDITOR | 318023 | Telecommunication fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318024 | Construction contract fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318025 | Royalty fees, trademark/patent fees, and copyright fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318026 | Insurance and reinsurance premiums not relating to goods | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318027 | Insurance claims not relating to goods | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318028 | Consultation fees+A4 | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318029 | Financial service fees and commissions | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318030 | Other fees and commissions | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318031 | News and information service fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318032 | Representative office expenses | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318033 | Advertisement fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318034 | Asset rental fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318035 | Expenses relating to movies, television and shows | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318036 | Other fees (please indicate details) | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318037 | Manufacturing or processing fees | Other service fees of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318040 | Income repatriated by workers | Income |
TH | CREDITOR | 318042 | Returns from investment and lending of private entities - Profits | Returns from investment and lending of private entities abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318043 | Returns from investment and lending of private entities - Dividends | Returns from investment and lending of private entities abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318044 | Returns from investment and lending of private entities - Interest on loans | Returns from investment and lending of private entities abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318045 | Returns from investment and lending of private entities - Other interest | Returns from investment and lending of private entities abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318046 | Returns from investment and lending of public entities abroad | Returns from investment and lending of private entities abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318052 | Private grants | Remittances and grants |
TH | CREDITOR | 318053 | Government grants | Remittances and grants |
TH | CREDITOR | 318057 | Remittance of money owned by Thai persons with permanent residence abroad | Remittances of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318058 | Remittance of inheritance to inheritors with permanent residence abroad | Remittances of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318059 | Remittance of money to families or relatives with permanent residence abroad | Remittances of private entities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318062 | Foreign direct investments | Investments in affiliated businesses / branches |
TH | CREDITOR | 318068 | Real estate investments from abroad | Investments in affiliated businesses / branches |
TH | CREDITOR | 318076 | Foreign portfolio investments | Investments in securities |
TH | CREDITOR | 318083 | Foreign loans | Borrowings |
TH | CREDITOR | 318086 | Foreign debt instruments | Borrowings |
TH | CREDITOR | 318090 | Thai resident lending abroad - Thai loans | Lending |
TH | CREDITOR | 318093 | Thai resident lending abroad - Thai debt instruments | Lending |
TH | CREDITOR | 318113 | Advances from abroad | Other funds |
TH | CREDITOR | 318116 | Advance payments for services from abroad | Other funds |
TH | CREDITOR | 318122 | Unsettled loan payments transferred back | Other funds |
TH | CREDITOR | 318125 | Advances abroad | Other funds abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318128 | Advance payments for services abroad | Other funds abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318131 | Others (please indicate details) | Other funds abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318212 | Gains and losses from derivative transactions | Other funds abroad |
TH | CREDITOR | 318231 | Payments for exported and imported goods | Payments for goods |
TH | CREDITOR | 318232 | Discounts, deposits, excess payments, and other payments for goods | Payments for goods |
TH | CREDITOR | 318233 | Payments for gold | Payments for goods |
TH | CREDITOR | 318228 | Depositing or withdrawing baht banknotes brought into or out of the country | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318151 | Value of foreign currencies brought into the country for sale | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318153 | For closure of account | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318154 | For transfer to accounts abroad | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318155 | To deposit in non-resident's domestic FCD | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318197 | For investment abroad | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318198 | For lending/borrowing abroad | Thai baht banknotes |
TH | CREDITOR | 318158 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for spot transaction | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318159 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for outright forward transaction | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318160 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for swap transaction | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318161 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for other derivative transaction | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318162 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for purchase of equity securities | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318163 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for purchase of debt securities | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
TH | CREDITOR | 318164 | Transfer Thai baht to other non-resident baht account for other transaction | Transferring Thai baht to other non-resident baht account |
United Arab Emirates
Market | Indicator | Code | Title | Classification |
AE | CREDITOR | GDE | Goods bought | Import/export |
AE | CREDITOR | STR | Travel | Travel/transportation |
AE | CREDITOR | ATS | Air transport | Travel/transportation |
AE | CREDITOR | STS | Sea transport | Travel/transportation |
AE | CREDITOR | OTS | Other mode of transport | Travel/transportation |
AE | CREDITOR | GMS | Processing, repair, and maintenance services on goods | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | INS | Insurance | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | FIS | Financial services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | IPC | Royalties for the use of intellectual property | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | TCS | Telecommunication services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | ITS | Computer services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | IFS | Information services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | RDS | Research and development services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | PMS | Professional and management consulting services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | TTS | Technical, trade-related, and other business services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | PRS | Personal, cultural, audiovisual, and recreation services | Services |
AE | CREDITOR | IGD | Dividends (intra-group) | Interest and profits |
AE | CREDITOR | IID | Interest on debt (intra-group) | Interest and profits |
AE | CREDITOR | PRR | Profits or rents on real estate | Interest and profits |
AE | CREDITOR | DOE | Dividends on equity (not intra-group) | Interest and profits |
AE | CREDITOR | ISH | Income on investment funds | Interest and profits |
AE | CREDITOR | CHC | Charitable contributions | Personal |
AE | CREDITOR | FAM | Family support | Personal |
AE | CREDITOR | SAL | Salary | Personal |
AE | CREDITOR | PPL | Purchase of real estate in the UAE | Personal |
AE | CREDITOR | CEL | Equity and investment fund shares for the establishment of a new company in the UAE, equity in connection with a merger or acquisition of companies in the UAE, and participation in capital increase of related companies | Foreign direct investment - acquisition and liquidation of equity and securities in the UAE (above 10%) |
AE | CREDITOR | LDS | Debt instruments intra-group securities in the UAE | N/A |
AE | CREDITOR | FIL | Investment fund shares in the UAE | Portfolio investment flows - acquisition and liquidation of equity and securities in the UAE (below 10% share) |
AE | CREDITOR | DSL | Purchase and sale of securities in unrelated companies - less than a year | Portfolio investment flows - acquisition and liquidation of equity and securities in the UAE (below 10% share) |
AE | CREDITOR | DLL | Purchase and sale of securities in unrelated companies - more than a year | Portfolio investment flows - acquisition and liquidation of equity and securities in the UAE (below 10% share) |
AE | CREDITOR | FDL | Financial derivatives in the UAE | Portfolio investment flows - acquisition and liquidation of equity and securities in the UAE (below 10% share) |
AE | CREDITOR | LDL | Debt instruments intra-group loans, deposits in the UAE | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
AE | CREDITOR | AFL | Receipts or payments from personal non-resident bank account in the UAE | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
AE | CREDITOR | SLL | Loans - drawing or repayments on foreign loans extended to resident - short term | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
AE | CREDITOR | LLL | Loans - drawing or repayments on foreign loans extended to resident - long term | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
AE | CREDITOR | LEL | Leasing in the UAE | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
AE | CREDITOR | TCP | Trade credits and advance payments | Lending - repayments and transfers of loans and deposits in the UAE |
Updated 3 months ago