Key Concepts
An organization is a dedicated environment within the Atlar platform where one can centralize one's resources, team members, and third-party connections (e.g. banks, PSPs or ERPs), facilitating a structured and efficient way to utilize the platform's capabilities tailored to one's specific needs.
It is possible to create multiple Organizations if one need a sandbox to test certain behaviors.
A user represents either an individual, or a programmatic access token, with access to the Atlar platform, having unique login credentials and the ability to interact with the features and data within the organizations they are members of. Users can have various levels of access and permissions, determined by their roles within the organization, allowing for a customizable and secure user experience tailored to each member's responsibilities and needs.
Memberships define the association of users and organizations within the Atlar platform. It determines the user's access rights, responsibilities, and the scope of interaction they have with the organizational resources through the Role
they are given.
A role within the Atlar platform specifies the permissions and access levels assignable to users. Roles are used to enforce security and operational protocols, ensuring that users can only access and perform actions within the platform that are pertinent to their responsibilities and tasks.
No access is given directly to Users, but instead always to the Role, which Users are thereafter granted.
Permissions and Access
Permissions and Access are defined on a Role level, and can be as granular as there are Resources (~concepts) of the Atlar platform. One can, for instance, define a Role to have read access to Account, Transactions and Balances (but not write access, and then ability to create credit-transfers, but not approve them.
It is also possible to define conditional access on various resources, for instance, financial data like Accounts, Transactions and Balances. This creates the ability to give a Role access to read the aforementioned resources, but only for a given Entity or for a subset of the Accounts of the entire Organization.
Four-Eyes approvals
Four-eyes approvals
Four-eyes approval is a safety measure used to ensure important changes are checked by two people before they are carried out. In the Atlar dashboard the organization can opt to enable four-eyes approvals on sensitive organizational settings, such as user management and changes to payment approval chains. However, note that the actual approval of a payment is not approved using ‘Four-eyes approvals’.
Change requests
Change requests relate to four-eyes approvals and are requests to change sensitive organizational settings. When four-eyes approval is enabled, any changes to for example user management or payment approval chains will generate a change request that requires approval from a second user before the changes take effect.
Refers to your (bank-) Accounts & Wallets you have with your third-parties (e.g. banks or PSPs).
Account Balance
An account balance can be of different types (e.g. Booked or Available), and reported at different . Atlar denotes the last balance datapoint of a full day as the closing balance and the first as the opening.
An affiliation denotes a relationship you have with a third-party.
Categorization rule
Categorization rules are predefined criteria or conditions used to automatically sort, classify, or group transactions into specific categories based on predefined conditions.
Atlar will create entities automatically for you based on data fetched from banks, but it is possible to create your entities before-hand. No matter if Atlar created the entity or if it was created manually through the dashboard, the entity structure can be changed at any point in the Dashboard.
Reconciliation is the process of pairing transactions on the bank statement with Credit Transfers or Direct Debits. Transactions can also be paired with Expected Transactions, if they exist. The matching process happens automatically within the Atlar system.
Reports are customizable files that can be created and saved based on transactional data, for all accounts or selected account, from a specific time range.
A third-party describes a Bank, PSP or ERP. It holds generic information, like name, icon and contact details.
A transaction is an entry on a bank statement that impacts the balance of the account. A transaction has a booked and a value date. Atlar will validate and ensure that the booked balance difference of a single day, will be equal to the net sum of all transactions' amounts booked that same day.
Views are used to visualize data. They are predefined queries that can be used to extract real-time statistics and exported files.
A Counterparty refers to a legal entity that you want to pay to, or pull funds, from.
External Account
External Accounts are the Accounts or Wallets of the Counterparty. When making a credit transfer to a vendor or customer, it is the External Account that is defined as the destination.
Account Number Identifiers
Account Numbers are identifiers for Accounts & External Accounts, set by the third-party. They identify the account within the financial institution. There are different types of Account Numbers (e.g. IBAN, Number, CLABE, Swedish Bankgiro or Plusgiro numbers, etc.).
Routing Identifiers
Routing Identifiers on the otherhand identifies the financial institution (& possibly branch), in relation to the payment scheme. The most common Routing Identifier is BIC (aka. SWIFT code), but other types of routing exists, e.g. US_ABA numbers in US (routing number), AU_BSB in Australia (bank-state-branch), SE_SBA in Sweden (bankgirot clearing number), GB_DSC in UK (sort code), etc.
Payment Scheme
A payment scheme is a way to move money defined by the banks, clearing houses and financial institutions on a given market and/or region. The payment schemes in Atlar comes in two different types: credit transfer schemes as well as direct-debit schemes.
Examples range from domestic account-to-account credit transfer schemes like Swedish, Swiss, Norwegian, as well as Danish, and British and American consisting of different variants (sameday/instant, Faster payments/BACS and WIRE/ACH respectively), to Europe-wide, or even global, schemes like SEPA Credit Transfers and Cross Border/SWIFT payments.
Furthermore, for direct debit schemes there are domestic schemes like Autogiro in Sweden and Betalings-/Leverandør-service in Denmark to Europe-wide SEPA direct-debit CORE or B2B.
Credit Transfer
A Credit Transfer is an instruction to push funds from one initiating, source, account to another account. See details underneath Payment Details.
Direct Debit
A Direct Debit is an instruction to pull fund from a source account to the initiating, destination, account. See details underneath Payment Details. In order to create a Direct Debit and pull funds, there must exist a Mandate
A Mandate
is a resource in the Atlar platform holding information about the authorization granted by the legal entity (company or person) allowing you to pull funds using Direct Debits.
Approval Chains
Approval Chains configure the Atlar platform to require, or not, certain Users (via their Roles) to put their approval on Payments before Atlar sends the instruction to the bank.
It is possible to configure certain types of payments to require one, two or three steps of approvals while others can be configured for straight-through processing. Conditions to base different approval-chains on range from who the creator of the payment was to currencies and amount values, etc.
Account Sweeping Rules
Account sweeping rules are automated processes that transfer funds from one account to another, typically from subsidiary accounts to a primary account, to optimize cash management and maintain target balances.
Payment template
Payment templates are designed to streamline and simplify the payment creation process by providing pre-filled blueprints for credit transfers. See details underneath [Payment Details](doc:Payment Details).
(Third-party) Connectivity
A Connection
is a technical connection you have set up to a third-party. A connection references the Affiliation
Connection Secrets
Connection Secrets
belong to a Connection
and is parameters and/or secrets that are required for Atlar to connect to the third-party in order to fetch data, or push instructions like payments.
Connection Instruction
A Connection Instruction
belong to a Connection
and are instructions pushed to the bank, for example when pushing payment instructions to the bank to perform client initiated payments.
Connection Report
A Connection Report
belong to a Connection
and are reports retrieved from a third party, usually the raw file in XML format.
are automated notifications sent to a specified URL in response to when specific events or changes occurs, allowing real-time data sharing and integration between systems.
Webhook key
Webhook keys
belong to a Webhook
and are unique credentials used to authenticate and secure the communication between a webhook sender and receiver, ensuring that data is only sent and received by trusted parties.
Updated 5 months ago