Errors & Return Reasons
Payment return reason codes
When a credit transfer or direct debit fails, the status is updated. The new status will be set to either FAILED
depending on what happened. To help understand why the payment fails, the Atlar platform captions the fail reason no matter if the issue occurred in Atlar platform or Bank (given the Bank forwards the failure reason to Atlar). These codes can differ across formats and payment schemes, but where possibly Atlar will try to deliver fail and return reasons in the ISO 20022 standard (see tables below). For Swedish direct debit scheme AUTOGIRO, their proprietary codes are used (see tables below).
ISO Originator errors - Credit Transfers & Direct Debits
Reason Code | Description | Additional Info | Suggested Action |
AC03 | Invalid Creditor Account Number | Originator selected or entered the wrong IBAN of the beneficiary. | Update the counterparty to reflect the correct IBAN. |
BE04 | Missing Creditor Address | Either the Originator PSP or the Beneficiary PSP in the transaction is based in a non-EEA SEPA. country | Originator PSP to ask the Originator to provide the address of the Beneficiary. |
BE05 | Unrecognised Initiating Party | Creditor: Technical error or omission to report a CI (Creditor Identifier) amendment. | Correct the Creditor Identifier. |
CNOR | Creditor Bank Is Not Registered | • Creditor PSP is not/ no longer registered as an SDD scheme participant under this BIC at the CSM | Contact the Creditor PSP. |
MD01 | No Mandate | • Debtor PSP has canceled the mandate under the rule of the 36 months inactivity period; • Debtor PSP was unable to obtain B2B mandate; • Refund for an unauthorised transaction (until 13 months after debit date) (For SDD Core collections only). | • Look into the details of the SDD collection; • Contact the Debtor in case of Refund. |
MD02 | Missing Mandatory Mandate Information in Mandate | • The way to amend the mandate is not in compliance with the SDD rulebook; • The amended information is not correct. | Make sure that you collect & present all required mandate details during customer onboarding. |
RC04 | Invalid or Missing BIC | The originator has not included/inserted a correct BIC for a transaction that requires a BIC, such as an international payment or a non-EEA SEPA payment. | In case the BIC is missing, add the BIC for the desired counterparty. In case the BIC is invalid, double-check the entered BIC. |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account Or Identification | • Missing details about the Debtor account or identification. • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | • Contact the Debtor for the correct BIC of a non-EEA SDD Collection. • Ask Creditor PSP to allocate the correct and complete BIC of the Debtor PSP in the inter-PSP message. |
RR02 | Missing Debtor Name Or Address | • Missing Originator name (address is an optional field for EEA SCT transactions); • Missing address of the Originator for non-EEA SCT transactions. • Note: This code can't be used in certain SEPA countries for data protection reasons. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | Originator Bank to fix the transaction by completing the Originator's name and/or address information. |
RR03 | Missing Creditor Name Or Address | • Missing Creditor Name (address is an optional field for EEA SDD Collections). For collections in non-EEA countries, including your address is recommended. • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | • Fix the SDD collection in order to complete the Creditor name; • Contact the Creditor PSP. |
RR04 | Regulatory Reason | Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | Contact the Creditor PSP. |
DS02 | Order cancelled | An authorized user has cancelled the order. This can be that a user cancelled an EBICS VEU/EDS signature order. | – |
DS19 | Electronic signature permissions insufficient. | The user’s permissions concerning digital signatures (e.g. EBICS VEU/EDS) are insufficient to execute the order. | Review your EBICS VEU/EDS setup and make sure the EBICS subscriber expected to sign can sign VEU orders. |
DS24 | Waiting time expired due to incomplete order | Waiting time for EBICS VEU/EDS signature expired. | Review your EBICS VEU/EDS setup and make sure the EBICS subscriber expected to sign can sign VEU orders. |
ISO Debtor errors, Originator to Contact the Counterparty – Credit Transfers & Direct Debits
Reason Code | Description | Additional Info | Suggested Action |
AC01 | Incorrect Account Number | • Debtor gave incorrect data; • Originator used incorrect IBAN data from its customers' database; • Originator had a technical problem during the processing of collection issuance. | • Contact the Counterparty in order to get the correct IBAN. • For SDD – In case of mandate amendment: check the data provided by the Debtor. |
AC04 | Closed Account Number | • Counterparty closed their account since the last time the account. • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for data protection reasons. MS03 could be used as an alternative | Contact the Counterparty for new account information or agree on an alternative payment. method. |
AC06 | Blocked Account | • Account blocked for any financial transaction; • PSP blocked the account or the SDD collection due to a Court Order; • PSP has blocked the account (e.g., suspicion of misuse. | Contact the Counterparty for an alternative account/solution to pay. |
AC13 | Invalid Debtor Account Type | • Debtor (consumer) was not aware that the signing of a B2B mandate is restricted to non-consumers; • Payment account type does not allow/ support the debiting of SDD B2B collections; • Debtor gave information of a wrong payment account. | • Contact the Debtor for clarification and to agree on another means of payment; • Sign an SDD Core mandate with Debtor instead. |
AG01 | Transaction Forbidden | • Counterparty gave information of an account which SCT/SDD collections cannot be sent to/booked from (e.g. a savings account). • Note: AG01 cannot be used in the situation of an SDD B2B collection presented to a debtor account that is a consumer account. The code AC13 needs to be used. | Contact the Counterparty in order to agree on another payment account to be used or another payment instrument. |
AM04 | Insufficient Funds | • Debtor: Insufficient funds on his account; • Creditor: Lack of or late pre-notification announcing the upcoming SDD collection (date and amount). • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for data protection reasons. In this case, MS03 can be used as an alternative. | Contact the counterparty – Ensure that the Debtor provides funds to his account. |
DNOR | Debtor Bank Is Not Registered | • Debtor PSP is not/ no longer registered as an SDD scheme participant under this BIC at the CSM. | • Ask the Creditor PSP for checking the reachability of the Debtor PSP. • Contact Debtor to agree on another means of payment. |
MD01 | No mandate | • Debtor PSP has canceled the mandate under the rule of the 36 months inactivity period; • Debtor PSP was unable to obtain B2B mandate; • Debtor has canceled their mandate; • Creditor: 1. Did not use a unique mandate reference (UMR) 2. Provided an SDD collection with a UMR which was not consistent with the mandate information | • Analyse the characteristics of the SDD collection to make sure that the mandate reference is unique & corresponds to the signed mandate. • Contact the Debtor in case of Refund. |
MD06 | Refund Request by End Customer | • Unconditional Refund of Collection (SDD Core – until 8 weeks after debit date); • Discrepancy between the amount announced in the pre-notification and the amount of the SDD Core collection; • Unconditional Refund right under the Payment Services Directive (PSD). | Contact the Debtor. |
MD07 | End Customer Deceased | • Deceased. • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for data protection reasons. In this case, MS03 can be used as an alternative. | Close the agreement with the deceased Counterparty. |
MS02 | Not Specified Reason Customer Generated | • Debtor receiving the prenotification decided to refuse the collection. | Contact the Debtor. |
MS03 | Not Specified Reason Agent Generated | • Only used in case national legislation does not allow the use of AC04, AM04, MD07, RR01, RR02, RR03, and RR04. e.g. in Germany. | Contact the Debtor. |
RC01 | Bank Identifier Incorrect / Invalid BIC of the recipient | • Originator: the provided BIC for a non-EEA SEPA SDD collection is not complete (BIC8 instead of BIC11). | • Contact the Counterparty for the correct BIC for a non-EEA SDD collection. |
RR01 | Missing Debtor Account Or Identification | • Missing details about the Debtor account or identification. • Note: This code cannot be used in certain SEPA countries for reasons of data protection. MS03 could be used as an alternative. | • Contact the Debtor for the correct BIC of a non-EEA SDD Collection. • Ask Creditor PSP to allocate the correct and complete BIC of the Debtor PSP in the inter-PSP message. |
SL01 | Specific Service Offered By Debtor Agent | • All Debtor–Invoked consumer-right rejects: 1. Creditor blocking; 2. Collection amount limitations; 3. Collection frequency limitations Other services offered by the Debtor PSP. | Contact the Debtor. |
Autogiro - mapping
Autogiro reason codes are communicated to Atlar by Bankgirot, the local Swedish Clearing House. For failed Autogiro collections (Direct Debits) we will send you the reason codes to understand what happened to an underlying direct debit.
Reason Code | Definition |
CANAMENDCOMM_ | Cancelled/Changed Payments Comment Code |
REJECTCOMM_ | Rejected Payments Comment Code |
SPECSTATUS_ | Payments Specification Status Code |
MANDADVINFO_ | Mandate Advice Information Code |
MANDADVCOMM_ | Mandate Advice Comment Code |
Autogiro - Payment Specification Status Codes
Reason Code | Meaning | Suggested Action |
SPECSTATUS_0 | Approved payment, payment executed | No Action needed. |
SPECSTATUS_1 | Insufficient funds, payment not executed | Contact the debtor to top-up the account or agree upon an alternative payment method. |
SPECSTATUS_2 | No connection to Autogiro (bank account closed), or the payer's bank has not approved the withdrawal (Other reason). The payment has not been executed | Contact the debtor for updated bank account information or agree upon an alternative payment method. |
SPECSTATUS_9 | Renewed funds, payment not executed but retry will be attempted if agreement in place. Note: Renewed funds only applies to incoming payments. | In case retries are configured and you’re still unable to collect the funds, contact the debtor to agree upon a payment method. |
Autogiro – Rejected Payments Comment Codes
Reason Code | Meaning | Suggested Action |
REJECTCOMM_01 | Omitted, mandate not found | Make sure that you’ve sent the mandate details to the bank using Atlar’s dashboard or API. Alternatively, you can migrate active mandates to Atlar by flagging the status active. In the latter case, Atlar will not send the mandates to Bankgirot. |
REJECTCOMM_02 | Omitted, account not approved or closed | Contact the debtor to agree upon an alternative payment method. |
REJECTCOMM_04 | Incorrect payer number | Make sure that the mandate ID is correct and resubmit the collection to Bankgirot. |
REJECTCOMM_06 | Incorrect period code | Not applicable. |
REJECTCOMM_07 | Incorrect number for recurring payments | Not applicable. |
REJECTCOMM_08 REJECTCOMM_09 | Amount non-numeric Ban on outgoing payments | Not applicable. |
REJECTCOMM_10 | Bankgiro number not found at Bankgirot | Not applicable. |
REJECTCOMM_12 | Incorrect payment date | The payment date you specify may not be later than the current year plus two calendar years. Note that Atlar allows you to schedule payments for maximum of 60 days in the future. |
REJECTCOMM_13 | Payment date passed | The payment date has passed and the debtor did not have enough funds available. Contact the debtor to top-up the account or agree upon an alternative payment method. |
REJECTCOMM_15 | The payee bankgiro numbers in the opening record and the transaction record are not the same | Not applicable. |
REJECTCOMM_24 | Amount exceeds Max. amount | Initiate a new collection with the appropriate amount. The upper limit has been set previously while configuring Autogiro with your bank. |
Autogiro – Cancellation/amendment of payments Comment codes
Comment Code | Meaning | Suggested Action |
CANAMENDCOMM_01 | Incorrect payment date | The payment date you specify may not be later than the current year plus two calendar years. |
CANAMENDCOMM_02 | Incorrect payer number | Make sure that the mandate ID is correct. |
CANAMENDCOMM_04 | Incorrect transaction code (occurs when 32 or 82 are missing) | Not applicable |
CANAMENDCOMM_05 | Incorrect amount | Initiate a new collection with the appropriate amount. The upper limit has been set previously while configuring Autogiro with your bank. |
CANAMENDCOMM_06 | Incorrect new payment date | The changed payment date is not within limits required by Autogiro. The payment date you specify may not be later than the current year plus two calendar years. |
CANAMENDCOMM_10 | Incorrect payee bankgiro number (incorrect check digit) | Not applicable. |
CANAMENDCOMM_11 | Payee bankgiro number missing (zero or blank) | Not applicable. |
CANAMENDCOMM_12 | Cancelled | Contact your debtor to agree upon an alternative payment method or configure a new Autogiro mandate. |
CANAMENDCOMM_13 | Payment missing, not processed | Not applicable. |
CANAMENDCOMM_14 | Amended payment date | No action needed. |
CANAMENDCOMM_15 | Note amended, recurring payment order | No action needed. |
CANAMENDCOMM_18 | Amended payment date | No action needed. |
Autogiro - Mandate Advice Information Codes
Information Code | Meaning | Suggested Action |
MANDADVINFO_03 | Cancellation. Initiated by payee | Contact the debtor to agree on another means of payment. |
MANDADVINFO_04 | New addition. Initiated by payee | No action needed. |
MANDADVINFO_05 | Change payer number. Only permitted for mandates based on bank account number. Initiated by payee. | No action needed. |
MANDADVINFO_10 | Cancelled due to payee’s bankgiro number being closed. Initiated by payee or payee’s bank | Not applicable. |
MANDADVINFO_42 | Response to account inquiry from bank on new payer in Autogiro | Not applicable. |
MANDADVINFO_43 | Cancelled/removed due to unanswered account inquiry | Not applicable. |
MANDADVINFO_44 | Cancelled due to payer’s bankgiro number being closed. Initiated by payer’s bank | Not applicable. |
MANDADVINFO_46 | Cancellation. Initiated by payer or payer’s bank | Contact the debtor for another means of payment or configure a new Autogiro mandate. |
Autogiro – Mandate Advice Comment Codes
Comment Code | Meaning | Suggested Action |
MANDADVCOMM_02 | Mandate canceled on the initiative of payer or payer’s bank | Contact the debtor for another means of payment or configure a new Autogiro mandate. |
MANDADVCOMM_03 | Account type not approved for Autogiro | Contact the debtor for the correct account details – for example, a checking account instead of the savings account. |
MANDADVCOMM_04 | Mandate not found in Bankgirot’s mandate directory | Make sure that the mandate has been sent to Bankgirot and activated. If not, resend the mandate details using Atlar’s API or Dashboard. |
MANDADVCOMM_05 | Incorrect bank account or personal details | Contact the debtor for correct details. |
MANDADVCOMM_07 | Cancelled/removed due to unanswered account inquiry | Not applicable. |
MANDADVCOMM_09 | Payer Bankgiro number not found at Bankgirot | Not applicable. |
MANDADVCOMM_10 | The payer number/mandateID you have specified for this mandate is already registered in Bankgirot's mandate directory.The combination of payer number/mandateID and payee Bankgiro number must be unique. Bankgirot ignores the new mandate and the existing mandate remains in use.Has been cancelled and cannot be registered until seven (7) Bank days have passed: The payer number you have specified has been used for another payer within the last seven (7) Bank days. | Mandate is already registered in Bankgirot's directory: Check the payer number and civic number that you specified. If you: - Have sent a duplicate you do not need to do anything. - Want to register a new mandate with the same civic number – change the payer number on the mandate and resend it to Bankgirot. Has been cancelled and cannot be registered until seven (7) Bank days have passed: Check the payer number and civic number that you specified. If you want to register a new mandate with the same payer number that was previously cancelled, you need to wait seven (7) Bank days before you resend the mandate. |
MANDADVCOMM_20 | Incorrect civic/company number or agreement on mandate based on bankgiro number not found | Correct the civic/company number. Contact the debtor if necessary. |
MANDADVCOMM_21 | Incorrect payer number | Make sure that the mandate ID is correct. |
MANDADVCOMM_23 | Incorrect bank account number | Check the account number against the payer’s mandate form. Contact the debtor to correct the account number of the payer. |
MANDADVCOMM_29 | Incorrect payee bankgiro number | Not applicable. |
MANDADVCOMM_30 | Deregistered payee bankgiro number | Not applicable. |
MANDADVCOMM_32 | New mandate | You can now send payment initiations associated with this mandate to Bankgirot. |
MANDADVCOMM_33 | Cancelled | Not applicable. |
MANDADVCOMM_98 | Mandate cancelled due to cancelled payer bankgiro number | Ask the payer to fill in a new mandate with a valid Bankgiro number or agree on another payment method. |
Updated 11 days ago